Thanks for the helps from ASV and we have a successful viewing night at the Princes Bridge, Melbourne - One of the city's best-known landmarks.

There were 8 telescopes used for this international viewing event .We had attracted more than 1000 people to join us and they were given astronomical knowledge  as well as the method of  using telescope to observe the moon. We also encouraged astronomy enthusiasts to share their experiences at this event and everyone enjoyed the night together.

Below are a few photos that we have taken for this event:               

International Observe the Moon Night 2018 (4)

International Observe the Moon Night 2018     International Observe the Moon Night 2018 (5)

International Observe the Moon Night 2018 (2)      International Observe the Moon Night 2018 (7)

International Observe the Moon Night 2018 (6)

International Observe the Moon Night 2018 (12)

International Observe the Moon Night 2018 (9)


International Observe the Moon Night 2018 (8)


International Observe the Moon Night 2018 (11)


International Observe the Moon Night with saxon

The International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) is a worldwide public event that encourages observation, appreciation and understanding of our Moon and its connection to NASA planetary science and exploration.

You are invited to join the celebration by saxon to observe, study, and photograph the Moon with us on 20th October 2018 from 7.30pm to 10.30pm!

Come and #observethemoon with us.



International observe the Moon Night with saxon

Saturday, 20th October 2018 7:30pm – 10.30pm

Princes Bridge St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC




Who should attend? 
This event is suitable for all ages.


How To Get There: 
For all public transport options to this venue, please visit Public Transport Victoria.


Contact details

(03) 9687 7750 / /